Queen of House

As you assume the role of Queen of your household, and now your husband's sexuality is not only a source of pleasure for him (and a tool for procreation) but has now become the mean through which you can manage, control, and direct his behavior. His member, while still attached to him, will become your property in the practical sense that you, not he, decides what is done with it. And through your ownership of his member you will practically own him.

You will begin to manage his sexual release as you might manage his exercise and diet. This concept of sexual management, of determining when and how he is allowed sexual release, is not only a result of power and control but also skill and awareness. You should not be discouraged if at first you find your efforts awkward and ineffective. With time your knowledge and skill will grow and you will simply be amazed at what you can accomplish and how far you can go.

As a general rule, you will find that your husband will be on his best behavior if you keep him on the edge, in that zone between sexual frustration and satisfaction. You absolutely do not want to frustrate your husband for too long. If your husband becomes overly frustrated, he will be tempted to seek relief outside the marriage either by himself or worse. On the other hand, you do not want to oversatisfy him either. A husband who is oversatisfied will have much less enthusiasm in attending to your needs.

Keeping him on edge is partly a matter of constantly teasing and arousing him at any excuse. If he accomplishes something, anything, you can reward him with an erotic kiss and a pat on his crotch that will both reward and excite him.

Keeping him on edge is also a matter of controlling his sexual release. Finding the right frequency is tricky and requires experience shaped by trial and error in your own marriage. Also, the right frequency may change over time or vary with the circumstances.

As a general rule, you should reduce his sexual release by half. In seeking out the right balance, look for irritability as a sign of too low a frequency and laziness as a sign of too high a frequency. When a man is not getting enough sex, especially if he begins to lose hope, he will become irritable and resentful. If you find yourself in such a situation, give your husband constructive tasks and then satisfy him upon successful completion. If you find yourself in a situation where he has become lazy and inattentive you can simply pull back and wait for time to take effect on him.

However, if he is actively resisting your influence then you should not be concerned with the irritability that might result from sex deprivation and push him to his limits. You can deny him for weeks, even months, to make a point.

Additionally, it is often helpful to reduce sex more radically in the beginning of training and then to increase slightly once he he has openly accepted your role as head of the household.

Just because you are reducing his frequency of sexual relealse doesn't mean you have to reduce your own. In fact, you can increase your own at the same time. One of the benefits of controlling his release is that you can determine what frequency you prefer to enjoy sex entirely apart from his sexual release simply by stopping sex once you are satisfied. (Remember, your satisfaction comes first.)

Just as it is your option when and how to have sex, so it is your option whether to continue sex after you yourself are satisfied.

If you teach your husband to give you oral then you can enjoy quickies at any time. You can do this not just in bed before you go to sleep but in the morning before you leave for work or in the evening when you come home to him. Use your imagination. This also works with toys.

If you prefer penetrative sex, you can get a penis extender. Because it is so thick he will get little stimulation during intercourse while wearing it. Thus your husband's penis becomes essentially a playtoy for your pleasure and puts you in total control of his sexual release.

As noted previously, overstimulation can result in a messy end to a conversation. And some men will simply not last a useful period of time. Sooner or later you'll find yourself desperatly trying to hold back an eruption.

As it turns out, interrupting the male climax is very easy. The male climax is essentially a series of contractions to force an expression of fluids through the duct running along the base of the member. If you constrict this tube with your thumb, while gripping his member firmly in your hand, the fluids back up and the climax is aborted. Maintain your hold until his spasm passes which may take as much as a minute. This is known as "choking the chicken".

This has two effects: it is extremely frustrating for him and it is slightly painful like a quick, sharp pinch deep in his testicles. Now saying that it is slightly painful may cause you to recoil. But remember men do not regard pain the same as we do. For a man, pain can be an expression of devotion. If you set the context right, he will react quite well to this. The key to making it work is to convey the message "not yet." That is the essential context of the technique.

There is no health harm in occasionally blocking expressions so long as there is an eventual release, say, at least once a month. But use this technique sparingly and with purpose.

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